Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Atonement Covers All Pain

"No pain that we suffer, no trial that we experience was wasted. It ministers to our education, to the development of such qualities as patience, faith, fortitude, and humility.... It is through sorrow and suffering, toil and tribulation, that we gain the education that we come here to acquire"
 - Elder Orson F. Whitney

"the savior is not a silent observer. He Himself knows personally and infinitely  the pain we face."
- Elder Kent F. Richards


  1. Only a select few can really understand your pain. I love you.

    Here is a great talk by Elder Uchtdorf

    I love this is about happily ever after and we all have our own little princess thanks to Disneyland.

    Call me, if you need anything!

  2. i love that last quote by elder richards. so good seeing you last night! can't wait for it to happen again. love you!

  3. I wrote them down a week before her accident. I think someone was trying to prepare me for all this.
