Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I know. I have been vomiting for hours at this point and was super drugged but still manage to look so....lovely!

So last night was a new experience for me.
I got to spend a little time as a patient in the ER and the new hospital in Murray. :(

Over the past few years I have randomly gotten these really awful stomach pains that make me (as to not want to share toooo much detail or sicken anyone) spend the entire night on my bathroom floor as close to a toilet as I can get for about 12 hours of horrid pain. When I would talk to my doctor about it the day after she would say "all the symptoms sounds like food poisoning". But come on,
who gets food poisoning THAT often?!
Well last night was much worse and much more throwing up then ever..... So my mom took to me the ER for the first time I can ever remember. Luckily we didn't have to wait long before I was taken back and throwing up while the nurse tried to ask me questions. Then was stripped down into a lovely gown and plopped into a bed. After they drew some blood for tests I immediately had an IV in the other arm and felt the sweet sweet tingle of heavy duty pain killers rushing through me.

Everything from this point on is NOT to clear (those drugs worked wonderfully!) but I did have to get a ultrasound to make sure nothing was wrong and when the doc walked in her proclaimed "unfortunately your gallbladder is fine. Too bad, I really wanted to take it out!"
I laughed.

So by 1:00 AM I was finally home in my own little bed passed out from painkillers and not throwing up anymore. glorious! But now I am going to have to go to a GI specialist and let him do all sorts of really "fun" tests to see what it wrong with my belly and how to fix it.

 sad face:(

thank you for taking care of me. I love you!

brynn (and barton family):
thank you for coming to visit and your prayers. Love you!

thank you for the love and concern you sent my way.


  1. No fun and not cool!! I'm so sorry...I'm glad the painkillers worked, though. And I hope they find out what's going on so that you don't have anymore 12 hour bouts of yuckiness!

  2. mal! that is so sad. hope you're doing okay now!!

  3. Oh my Malorie!!!!!! Such a sad picture! Ha I've wondered how someone could get food poisoning so much though, hopefully they can get that one figured out;) Miss you!

  4. Hey Malorie,

    I just read an article in a magazine about endometriosis. Have you been tested for that? One of the symptoms is horrible stomach pain. I hope you are doing well!
