Christmas was mellow this year! Whitney was sick during our entire Arizona trip and since I was with her 24-7 I started to feel not so hot on Christmas eve when I got home from seeing the grandparents. We put out jammies on as soon as we could, started a fire and threw in a movie. We got to sleep in nice and late! since we both didn't feel well opening gifts was a slow process. we ended up sleeping the entire afternoon while Christmas movies were playing in the background. We finally cleaned ourselves up and went to my dads house for dinner. As a tradition we always play a white elephant game... since most of the family was sick we played pretty fast and headed home for more sleep.
basically... we slept through Christmas and about 4 days after that! But it was still good to get to spend quality time with family and feel all the love around.
New Years eve was so fun! Since I had been sick for a week and it always ends up being lame I had no expectations this year. Amanda invited to me to come to midway with some of her friends from cali, and I loved it. There were so many fun people and I loved hanging out with her friends. Tim and Trae, AJ and John came up with us and we all had so much fun!
I think 2013 is going to be a VERY good year!